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Our Hospital

Carewell Unani Hospital  & wellness is the word of Unani Medicine and it is the extreme and pioneer institution dedicated to Unani medicine and has generated a lot of interest in the health sector .It started 8years back is situated at Manjeri, Malappuram ,one of the health city of Kerala. This hospital initiated by a group of Unani Doctors way back in 2010 has turned into a abode of care & compassion . It is a place where patients is considered to be a patient with healing care and is given the utmost medical attention. Here Unani principles are not scarified but utilized scientifically.


"Providing Excellent Unani Treatment, by a team of dedicated staff and creating a premier, patient focused and integrated health care delivery system and achieving highest degree of patient satisfaction."


"The aim of the Hospital is to provide comprehensive health Care to every section of society through personalized care by highly competent professionals. It will remain our constant Endeavour to improve the quality of our service to make it better and still better. We cherish the ideal of ensuring the best Unani treatment to our patients. Providing traditional treatment methods of Unani without any compromise, at the same time arranging a calm & quite atmosphere and friendly staff. So that the Unani approach of treating the tripod of body, mind and soul together is achieved. To create a patient friendly atmosphere with the help of highly qualified Doctors and dedicated staff. "

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Stomatitis and Unani Treatment

Oral inflammation and ulcers, known as stomatitis, may be mild and localized or severe and widespread. They are invariably painful. Stomatitis may involve swelling and redness of the oral mucosa or discrete, painful ulcers (single or multiple). Less commonly, whitish lesions form, and, rarely, the mouth appears normal (burning mouth syndrome) despite significant symptoms. Symptoms hinder eating, sometimes leading to dehydration and malnutrition. Secondary infection occasionally occurs. Some conditions are recurrent. Stomatitis may be caused by local infection, systemic disease, a physical or chemical irritant, or an allergic reaction. many cases are idiopathic. Because the normal flow of saliva protects the mucosa against many insults, xerostomia predisposes the mouth to stomatitis of any cause. The  most common specific causes overall include Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS)—also called recurrent aphthous ulcers (RAU) Viral infections, particularly herpes simplex an

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Chronic Bronchitis - Prevention and Cure Through Unani Medicine

  The bronchi are air passages connecting the windpipe (trachea) with the sacs of lungs (alveoli), where oxygen is taken up by blood. Bronchitis is an inflammation of bronchi causing excessive mucus production and swelling of the bronchial walls. Chronic bronchitis is the term applied when coughing and sputum continues for 2-3 months and returns each year for at least two years generally lasting slightly longer each time. According to the Unani system of medicine ‘ Sual ’ or cough is an act by which body tries to remove the irritating substances from organs (lungs). The act of cough is performed by contraction and relaxation of chest muscles and diaphragm. Sometimes chronic bronchitis is associated with airflow obstruction and may be associated with breathlessness. Causes According to Unani system of medicine, chronic bronchitis is caused due to accumulation of excessive phlegm in the respiratory system that causes irritation to the sacs of the lung thereby resulting in cough. The inc