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Intestinal Worms

Infestation of intestinal worms is widely prevalent during rainy season in tropical and subtropical regions. Children are more likely to suffer this condition than adults.
Usual symptoms include foul breath, anemia, diarrhea, dark circles under the eyes, frequent hunger, headaches, and restlessness.
If infected with roundworms, it will make way to infections such as fever, headache, irritability, lung and intestine inflammation, nausea, nervousness, weight loss and vomiting.
Cough, constipation, diarrhea, fever, weight loss and intense itchiness in the rectum is a sign of threadworm infestation. Anemia together with nutritional disorders is signs of hookworm influx.
Unhygienic lifestyle will cause the breeding of the worms. A worm egg enters the body through food and water, and continues to dwell on the intestines where they hatch and propagate.
Roundworms can be contracted when eating contaminated food, threadworms from dirty fingers, hookworms from walking barefoot on the soil, and tapeworms from eating raw flesh or foods contaminated by canines.
Some Unani  Remedies
Coconut: Take 1 tablespoon of grounded fresh coconut. Follow with a mixture of 30-60 ml castor oil and 250-375 ml lukewarm milk after 3 hours. Repeat until completely recovery.
Garlic: The use of garlic in medicine has been practice by the Babylonians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, and Indian since the ancient times. Chew 3 cloves of garlic every morning. Alternately, place a couple of inside garlic cloves inside your footwear. The garlic oil coming from these crushed cloves will be absorbed by the skin and will be carried to the blood and the intestines.
Carrot: Take a small cup of grated carrots every morning to get rid of threadworms on children.
Papaya: Papaya seeds contain caricin that is very effective in eliminating roundworms. Take 1 teaspoon of powdered papaya seeds with 1 cup of milk everyday in the morning and on an empty stomach.
Alternately, pour 250 ml of boiling over 15 gm of dry papaya leaves. Take it with honey for flavoring.
For adults, mix 1 tablespoon of fresh juice from an unripe papaya, 3-4 tablespoons of hot water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Follow with a mixture of 30-60 ml of castor oil and 250-375 ml of lukewarm milk after 2 hours. Repeat procedure for 2 days if necessary. Give a half dose of this medicine for children between 7-10 years of age. Give 1 tablespoon for children under 3 years old.
Pomegranate: Take 90-180 ml of cold pomegranate bark decoction every 1 hour, 3 times a day for an adult. Follow with a purgative. Give 30-60 ml doses of this decoction for children. The pomegranate root bark contains an abundant amount of punicine alkaloids that are powerful eliminating agent of parasitic worms than the tree stems.
Vasaka: Vasaka bark, rout-bark, fruit, flower and leaves are powerful anthelmintic. Boil 30 gm of vasaka root and bark in a 500 ml water, until the level lowers down to a third. Take 30 ml of this decoction 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days. Take 1 teaspoon of fresh vasaka juice extracted from its leaves 3 times a day for 3 days.
Take an exclusive fruit diet for 4-5 days. Afterwards, consume more fruits and vegetables, milk and whole wheat bread. Avoid butter, cream, oily, fatty and fleshy foods during this diets.
Repeat fruit diet in a regular interval for acute cases. For chronic cases, undergo a short diet consisting mainly of raw fruit and vegetable juices.
Other suggestions
Administer a warm water enema everyday while under the exclusive fruit diet and fasting


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